30 Les Anciens members started the new year with fireworks and a great party at the hostel in Bunnik near Utrecht. The great organising team around Jos Eikhout, Fabian Vendrig and Maaike Bok provided an excellent programme with sightseeing in Amsterdam (thanks to Jeroen Veenstra), sightseeing in Utrecht, an excursion to the water defense buildings in Bunnik and of course lots of parties. The lodging was in real AEGEE style with classical hostel beds, but at least the rooms were not crowded. Michael Groll from Kiel provided his usual pile of kleine Feiglinge, the inofficial drink of Les Anciens, and AEGEE-Eindhoven provided a ten-course dinner. At midnight Jos sent up the famous baguette into the night sky. The following party finished at 7 a.m. All in all, an event to remember… :-) Big thanks to the organisers!

Sightseeing in Amsterdam