Some call it Europe, we call it home


  • one of Europe’s largest interdisciplinary student associations.
  • striving for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe.
  • breaks stereotypes and creates borderless friendship
  • offers learning opportunities and empowers you to take an active role in society.
  • a non-profit organisation that acts towards decision-makers.
  • not a travel agency and not linked to any party

But: How to pronounce AEGEE? Check the video!








Borderless Network

Summer Universities are our most popular events. 2000 students attend 60 two-week courses every year, learning different topics, get to know cultures and have fun! But there are more than 100 other international events - seminars, conferences, study trips, trainings and more...

Learn new skills at our European Schools

Trainings in AEGEE are organised mainly by the AEGEE-Academy. From project management, via PR and HR skills to leadership: AEGEE organises many high profile trainings for its members, which help you boost your CV.Some AEGEE-Academy events:ES I – Antenna managementES II – Project managementPRES - Public RelationsFRES - FundraisingHRES - Human Resources
Check the AEGEE-Academy Website

"What I love most about AEGEE? The people!"

AEGEE helped me grow as a person

AEGEE helped me discover my true passion and interest and grow as a person. The association is like a micro-cosmos that helps you learn about decision-making processes and embrace the uniqueness and diversity of our continent. At this point in my life, I identify with AEGEE's values more than I do with my formal education, that's the great impact it had on my personal development!

Marijana Asprovska, AEGEE-Skopje

An invisible thread connects all of us

I don't know what I love the most about AEGEE, in over six years there are so many things! I go with the easiest answer: AEGEE people. There is an invisible thread that connects all of us. We all have different backgrounds, but our memories, experiences and feelings are all bonded to each other. Our paths sometimes diverge, but they all lead us to a more self-conscious European citizenship.

Gabriele Nicotra, AEGEE-Catania

In AEGEE we achieve the impossible

Before I joined I was a completely different human being and people told me that AEGEE is a life-changing opportunity. I didn't believe them, but now I experienced how true that sentence is. What makes AEGEE-Kraków so special: we prove that people are capable of achieving the impossible if they work together and support each other! I also love all those crazy parties and silly ideas that are born during them!

Zuza Hoszowska, AEGEE-Kraków

Where we come from

It all started in Paris. French student Franck Biancheri had the idea to organise a conference – the topic: the problems and future of the European Community. The event took place from 16th to 22nd April 1985. 400 students from 12 countries came together to discuss, learn, share and party. Soon the idea came up to create a network of local branches (“antennae”) all over Europe. The rest is history…

Where we go

AEGEE chooses four Focus Areas every three years. You can see the current ones below. Aside from this, there are many projects, aiming at strengthening European integration, cooperation and mutual understanding.

Find AEGEE in your Neighbourhood!

AEGEE has 10,000 members in 150 cities from Tenerife to Tyumen - and no borders. Click on the stars and find out more about the local AEGEE!Join us and make Europe your home!
Questions? Write us!

Contact us!
We are happy to tell you more about AEGEE and to get you in contact with your nearest AEGEE branch!

Are you ready to join AEGEE?

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Check the Golden Times!

Articles & News

Curious about past, present and future of AEGEE? Then check out the Golden Times magazine!

“Unissued Diplomas” makes the war in Ukraine personal

Catalina Costache, former President of AEGEE-Dresden, created a gripping…

SU Aachen 2024: “Happy to bring back German courses”

There is hardly any antenna that organized as many SUs as AEGEE-Aachen. And…

“We had different cinematic themes every day”

“Czechflix”, the very smart title of the Summer University of AEGEE-Brno…