24th May 2021
Get to know the CD Candidates: Marijana Asprovska
Marijana Asprovska from AEGEE-Skopje and Contact Rotterdam is running for CD at the spring Agora 2021. Check out her interview answers!
26th December 2020
AEGEE in 2020 (Part IV): Timo, Ilse, Teodora, Calvin and Marijana
30 active AEGEE member look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this fourth edition of the Golden Times review: read what Timo Haarman, Ilse Driessen, Teodora Panuș, Calvin Breakwell and Marijana Asprovska said.
17th December 2019
AEGEE in 2019 (IV): Alejandra, Brian, Cristina, Daniel, Marijana and Franjo
Alejandra Piot, Brian Brands, Cristina de la Parte Rodríguez, Daniel Sedlák, Marijana Asprovska and Franjo Lovro Popović look back at 2019 in AEGEE - and to the future.