On Friday the 25th of October, AEGEE-Groningen turned 25 years old. “Our antenna organized a gala with more than 70 people!”, said Sanne Hillemans, Former Treasurer & European Affairs at AEGEE-Groningen. Among others, seven former presidents of AEGEE-Groningen were present – the president of the 18th board and all presidents from the past six years. There were also two former secretaries, five treasurers, five European Affairs Responsibles, five Local Affairs Responsibles and three former PR-responsibles. „The gala on Friday was really awesome! We had an epic evening with unlimited drinks and a really nice band”, confirms Anna van den Berg, President of the antenna in 2012/13.
Anna was pictured together with the other presidents on the legendary photo above. “That was really fantastic. The five latest ones – Charlotte, me, Janne, Marleen and Martin – are still coming to activities a lot, but some of the older ones we rarely see anymore. So especially seeing them at our Lustrum was really great”, she said.
The participants enjoyed the party with great music, great people and awesome atmosphere so much, that even after the official gala was over, people stayed up and partied throughout the rest of the night, as Sanne recalls. “And this gala is just one of many activities that Groningen is organizing for their lustrum this year”, she adds. “There were also several other activities in Groningen and to top it off, many people of our antenna are going to celebrate in Morocco for a week in November!”
More photos of the birthday gala: click here.