Human Resources are the key for the future of every local. It’s also one of the issues that many antennae call their main problem. The European School on Human Resources will give 20 peope the chance to improve their HR skills on many levels. Anastasia Sidiropoulou from AEGEE-Thessaloniki tells you what you can expect.

Golden Times: Why should people not miss out on the European School on Human Resources in Thessaloniki?
Anastasia Sidiropoulou: As every European School, the ES on Human Resources is a unique training event providing its participants with as many tools as possible and methodologies to kickstart or continue the HR aspect of their antenna. The ESonHR2020 is going to be quite different than previous European Schools.
GT: How?
Anastasia: Mostly because three out of the four trainers have been active both in AEGEE and other organizations as HR responsible and have a vast HR experience in the business world. All this knowledge and skills is going to be translated to fit AEGEE and its antennae! Don’t miss this amazing possibility to improve your antenna!
GT: What does the event enable participants to do?
Anastasia: The goals of the European School on Human Resources 2020 are for the participants to:
- develop an ethical attitude towards HR based on learning and ongoing growth through raising awareness of themselves as HR responsibles.
- be able to analyse, evaluate and create an effective HR cycle that fits their antenna.
- develop HR skills that will be handy for supporting the growth of their antennae.
- develop strategies and personal network to further develop individual skills and broaden their HR knowledge on their own after the event by growing their knowledge and experience as HR responsibles.
GT: What is the profile of the ideal participant?
Anastasia: The ideal participant is someone eager to learn and is interested in the topic of Human Resources. Someone who is already an HR responsible or plans to apply for this position in their local can take advantage of the event and use the methodologies they will learn for the benefit of their local.
GT: Can also people participate who do not know about HR at all?
Anastasia: Yes. The idea of doing a European School on Human Resources is that AEGEEans learn about HR and then pay forward it either by presenting what they learned to their antennae or by taking key positions in the boards of their antennae as HR responsible.
GT: How many hours of tuition – like presentations, workshops, discussions, casework and others – will there be in total?
Anastasia: There will be 20 hours of tuition.
GT: Who are the trainers?
Anastasia: Lyda Michopoulou, Claudia Chiurlia, Nataliya Khimichenko and Christina Pournara.

GT: Aside from the HR content, what else is in the programme?
Anastasia: Case studies, presentations and feedback, team building, opening and closing sessions, free time and the social programme during the evenings.
GT: What is the social programme about? What will the participants learn about Thessaloniki, what parties or other social activities will there be?
Anastasia: Since it is a training event, the social programme in the evenings will be chill. The first evening, the participants will have the chance to get to know each other, the trainers and the organisers during a Beer Night. The second evening, there will be Greek Taverna Night where the participants will get to know the traditional way of entertainment and will try out some original Greek food and appetisers. During the last evening, we are planning to have a big party for the participants to experience the modern way of entertainment in Greece. Apart from the evening programme, there might be a city tour on the arrival day for participants who will arrive early and a city tour on the departure day for participants who will arrive later.

GT: What makes Thessaloniki a great place to visit?
Anastasia: Thessaloniki is historically one of Europe’s oldest and most multiethnic cities, widely considered as the cultural capital of Greece. It is truly unique in the sense that it intricately combines thousands-year-old multicultural heritage and the architectural marvels with the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Sephardic Jew history. The cutting-edge art performances, arts and entertainment hubs all-in-one, numerous monuments, listed 15th at the Unesco World Heritage Sites and the five kilometres meandering waterfront, make Thessaloniki a “must-see destination”.
GT: What can you tell us about AEGEE-Thessaloniki?
Anastasia: AEGEE-Thessaloniki was founded during a cold December’s night of the year 1993, the 16th to be exact. 27 years later, after organising various events, attending Agorae, NWMs, RTCs and SUs during those years, we are still active and full of motivation.
GT: How many places do you provide?
Anastasia: There are places for 20 participants.
GT: How much is the fee?
Anastasia: The fee is 55 Euros and includes:
- accommodation in a hostel
- 3 meals per day
- coffee breaks
- workshops’ materials
- local transportation during the event
GT: Where can people find out more and where they can apply? What is the application deadline?
Anastasia: Everyone can find more information about our event in our Facebook event. Also, there is more information in MyAEGEE, where you can apply!!!! And applications are open until the 7th of February 2020!

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