23rd December 2024
“Agora Bilbao will be an unforgettable 40th anniversary celebration”
AEGEE-Bilbao will host the next Agora from 22nd to 27th April 2025. The organising core team explained in an interview with the Golden Times why you can't miss it.
22nd February 2024
“AI will take central stage at Agora Novi Sad”
The Agora returns to Novi Sad: from 23rd to 28th of April 2024 AEGEE's general assembly will take place in the capital of Vojvodina.
20th January 2022
AEGEE-Novi Sad: „Covid Strategy? Isolate the Group as Much as Possible!”
Novak Simin and his team about the biggest challenges for Agora Novi Sad and the impact of covid for the Agora.
30th May 2021
“We can host 4000 people at Agora Novi Sad”
The Spring Agora 2022 will take place in Novi Sad! “We can host up to 4000 people”, says main coordinator Novak Simin.
24th May 2021
Get to know the CD Candidates: Teddy van Amelsvoort
Teddy van Amelsvoort from AEGEE-Eindhoven is running for CD at the spring Agora 2021. Check out her interview answers!
3rd January 2021
GT Presents: AEGEE’s Best of 2020
Heiko Kirchner, President of the Juridical Commission, is the Member of the Year 2020! As in every year, the GT asked a panel of very active members to tell about AEGEE’s outstanding members, antennae, projects or thematic groups. Here are the results.
4th June 2020
Just postponed, not cancelled: Spring Agora 2021 goes to Yerevan
The CD selected AEGEE-Yerevan as host of Spring Agora 2021 – one year after the originally planned date, before the Coronavirus made a live meeting this spring impossible.
1st June 2020
Monika Mojak: “The online Agora is a groundbreaking moment”
In a couple of days, from 5th to 7th June 2020, AEGEE’s first online Agora will take place. Agora Chair Monika Mojak: “We are creating something that will be remembered for a long time.”
13th March 2020
Gabriele Nicotra about Corona and AEGEE: “We feel left alone”
The Coronavirus crisis is spreading across Europe. The GT asked Gabriele Nicotra about his opinion, since his antenna supported the letter and since his experience gives him a unique insight.
21st February 2020
Agora Yerevan – the First One in the Caucasus
From 6th to 10th of May the first AEGEE Agora will take place in the Caucasus. And it will be an Agora of superlatives. The GT spoke with Kalipso Bznuni, President of AEGEE-Yerevan.
22nd October 2019
On a date with a candidate (XV): Monika Mojak
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Monika Mojak
22nd October 2019
On a date with a candidate (XIV): Fabrizio Bellicano
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Fabrizio Bellicano
21st October 2019
On a date with a candidate (XIII): Paulina Böhm
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Paulina Böhm
21st October 2019
On a date with a candidate (XII): Natascha Jürgens
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Natascha Jürgens
20th October 2019
On a date with a candidate (X): Panos Provatas
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Panos Provatas.
20th October 2019
On a date with a candidate (IX): Joan Sánchez Francisco
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Joan Sánchez Francisco
19th October 2019
On a date with a candidate (VIII): Wouter Boerjan
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Wouter Boerjan
19th October 2019
On a date with a candidate (VII): Maaike Heijdenrijk
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Maaike Heijdenrijk
19th October 2019
On a date with a candidate (VI): Roberto Meneghetti
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Roberto Meneghetti
17th October 2019
On a date with a candidate (part IV): Adam Kubák
Find out more about the candidates at AEGEE Agora Salerno, their hobbies and what they will bring to the European Night. In this edition: Adam Kubák.