Several AEGEE members proposed that AEGEE should take part in the election observation mission of the OSCE in Tunisia. After the much disputed president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali left the country and fled to Saudi-Arabia, it is likely that the citizens will vote for a new president soon. “I think AEGEE should partecipate in this. We should act for standing for liberty, democracy, and respect for human rights. I would be intersted to partecipate,” said Ilona Nukševica from AEGEE-Ogre.
Áron Rigó, AEGEE’s Liaison Officer towards OSCE, replied that he’ll “gladly ask the organisation whether there is any way to send observers through AEGEE, as these missions clearly fit our interests and aims.” He also stated, though, that the participating states have the right to send observers to the selected elections, and they usually send them through their own foreign ministries.
AEGEE took part in several election observation missions in the past, for example in the Ukrainian presidential election in 2004.