The race has started! Not only AEGEE-Moskva wants to host the autumn Agora 2020. AEGEE-Mağusa handed in their hosting application today. “Our antenna has unlimited support from our university and nobody has these opportunities in AEGEE”, says Suleyman Rebge, AEGEE-Mağusa supervısor and maın organizer of the Agora. One of the strengths of the application will be the location. Suleyman: “Cyprus has borders between South and North. This event will be a chance to show everyone the need for a borderless Cyprus and borderless Europe.” Good news for potential applicants: there is space for 1500 participants.

Golden Times: Your antenna applied for hosting autumn Agora 2020. What is your motivation?
Suleyman Rebge: The whole network knows us for our quality events. We want to take it to another level and to show the network that we are capable of the biggest event in AEGEE. Therefore we are aiming at no less than hosting the best Agora. AEGEE-Mağusa has unlimited support from our university and nobody has these opportunities in AEGEE. We would like to use them for all AEGEE members. Also we support a borderless Europe in AEGEE. Cyprus has borders between South and North. This event will be a chance to show everyone the need for a borderless Cyprus and borderless Europe. We give you the guarantee that this Agora will be a high quality Agora unlike anything you have seen before!
GT: You already applied to host the autumn Agora 2019, but AEGEE-Salerno was selected. This didn’t stop you from trying again?
Suleyman: Actually in our opinion we deserved to organize Autumn Agora 2019, but we have respect for the CD decision. That is why we would like to try again in 2020, because it will be a different Agora in Mağusa. Also we felt support from our AEGEE friend all around Europe.

GT: What would make an Agora in Cyprus special?
Suleyman: We want this Agora because Cyprus’ situation is one the strangest situations in the whole world. Generally most people don’t know about what happened and happens now in the country. Even if they know some things it is mostly inaccurate. This knowledge mostly does not reflect the reality we live in. For these reasons this Agora is important, because we are not just offering an Agora. We are providing an opportunity for everyone to experience one of the strangest issues in the world. Also, Cyprus has amazing weather. People will enjoy their stay. When there are no sessions, the participants can swim and visit our amazing historical Island. We will have lots of beach activities and parties. We are sure the participants will love Cyprus.
GT: How will the participants get the chance to learn more about the island and the special situation there?
Suleyman: If you are coming to Cyprus you should definitely learn about the political situation before you leave. We will organize meetings about these topics.
GT: How many people can you host?
Suleyman: Our gym is so big we can host 1500 people in Mağusa.

GT: What’s the weather and sea temperature like during the Agora period?
Suleyman: Cyprus has amazing weather. The temperature will be around 28 to 30 degrees during the Agora. People will love it.
GT: What can you tell us about your antenna? How big is it, how many members would help organising the Agora?
Suleyman: We have 29 really active members. I am sure we will have a team of around 45 people. Everyone wants to organize the Agora here, because Cyprus people and our members are very warm people. We can’t wait to welcome our AEGEE friends here at the Agora!
GT: Anything you would like to add?
Suleyman: We know we are running against AEGEE-Moskva. However, we would like to organize an exchange with AEGEE-Moskva and want to be closer in the future in any case! We wish all applying locals good luck!