Every year there is a rising star in the network. This year there are many. Several Contacts signed the Convention d’Adhesion at Agora Bucharest and are full of plans. One of them is AEGEE-Isparta in Turkey. They blew the Agora participants away with images of the beauty of the Isparta region, but also with the fact that this fresh local has already more than 50 members. Soon you have the opportunity to see the place with your own eyes, since AEGEE-Isparta will host a Network Meeting in December.

Golden Times: Hi Veysel! AEGEE-Isparta is like a rising star! Everyone was impressed when you presented the city, region and the development of the Contact at the Agora in Bucharest. Did you get a lot of positive feedback by the network at the event?
Veysel Koca: Yes, we got lots of positive feedback from other AEGEE locals. We even talked about becoming a twin local! Thanks to the whole network!
GT: How did it feel to stand in front of the Agora and also to sign the Convention d’Ashesion?
Veysel: It was an unforgettable experience for me that I could give a speech in front of hundreds of young people. I was really excited like having my heart in my mouth! I felt really proud when we presented the city and signed the Convention d’Adhesion. All my friends stood beside me. We founded and worked together for it. They supported me too much…
GT: How many members does AEGEE-Isparta have now? Did you continue to grow so fast?
Veysel: We have 56 members in our Online Membership System. We have different terms when people can join the AEGEE-Isparta family. The next opportunity will be between 16 September and 1 October 2019. We will open a stand in our university. Also we have an application form on our Instagram page for people who want to become part of AEGEE-Isparta. There are lots of way to be member of AEGEE-Isparta!

GT: Fast antenna growth can also be difficult to handle. What do you do to keep your members active? Do you have many local activities? Do some of your members travel to SUs or other events?
Veysel: Yes, it is hard to handle so many members when the growth is so fast, especially after just establishing our local this year! We always keep in contact with each other. We are trying to be active as a local. I am convinced that if the local board is active, the members are going to be active as well. So this summer we are planning to organise “ISpartans Holiday!” as a local summer activity – sort of a holiday event.
GT: You successfully applied to host a Network Meeting! It will take place from 5th to 8th of December. How did you get the idea to host the event, and why should everyone apply to go there?
Veysel: Yes! We got it! We had our activity plan for the future. One of those activities was organising a European Event. And now NWM Isparta will be here soon! I have a message to the network! “Veysel is speaking for you… Dear AEGEEan! It is our common chance to get to know each other at NWM Isparta. You will see our lavender and rose city full with party animals and AEGEE spirit! We believe that it is going to be the best NWM ever! Stay tuned and check out AEGEE-Isparta’s Instagram page!”

GT: We saw the photos of the beautiful surroundings of your city. Is it really so nice to live in Isparta?
Veysel: Yes! It is really nice to live in Isparta. We have also the Davraz Ski Center, so in winter we have a nice place for skiing. In summer people can swim in Eğirdir Lake or do other activities such as trekking. I prefer winter because of the snow, skiing and snowboarding!
GT: Is it also beautiful in December? What kind of social programme will you offer at the NWM?
Veysel: Isparta is so beautiful in December… Actually, we thought that more people will be available in December, that’s why we chose that month for NWM Isparta. We will have numerous social activities that we will tell you about on our Instagram page. Don’t miss the news about NWM Isparta and also the challenge and competition!
GT: How can people travel to Isparta? Is it hard to reach?
Veysel: People can travel via direct flight from Istanbul Airport to Isparta Süleyman Demirel Airport. It is also possible to fly from Istanbul to Antalya Airport and then to travel from Antalya to Isparta by bus – it takes approximately two hours by bus. In general from all cities in Turkey you can reach Isparta via bus.
GT: Anything else you would like to add?
Veysel: Let’s meet from 5th to 8th of December at NWM Isparta! I can’t wait to see you! Greetings from Isparta!