The Summer University is Back: SU Lviv 2021

Check out the Summer University AEGEE-Lviv is planning for you. Their event is called “Be a Superhero!"

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The Summer University is Back: SU Catania 2021

Award-winning AEGEE-Catania is organising an SU in 2021, with several covid prevention measures.

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AEGEE is back in Rotterdam

On 16th of December 2020 AEGEE-Europe announced great news: AEGEE is back in Rotterdam!

0 Comments7 Minutes

Let’s talk about money: AEGEE-London sets example for transparency

AEGEE likes to talk about almost anything - except its finances. AEGEE-London wants to change it and published a report about its finances on Facebook.

0 Comments16 Minutes

GT Presents: AEGEE’s Best of 2020

Heiko Kirchner, President of the Juridical Commission, is the Member of the Year 2020! As in every year, the GT asked a panel of very active members to tell about AEGEE’s…

0 Comments12 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part IX): Monika, Vanessa, Adam and Ann Kristin

Monika Mojak, Adam Kubák, Vanessa Kunze and Ann Kristin Gildhoff look back on AEGEE in 2020 - and look into the future.

0 Comments35 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part VIII): Heiko, Sabrina, Maike and Roberto

More than 30 active AEGEE member look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this segment of the Golden Times review: read what Heiko Kirchner, Sabrina Ouk,…

0 Comments23 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part VII): Maya, Thomas and Marleen

More than 30 active AEGEE members look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this segment of the Golden Times review: read what Maya Tielemann, Thomas…

0 Comments17 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part VI): Laura, Laura and Wouter

More than 30 active AEGEE member look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this segment of the Golden Times review: read what Laura Miranda, Laura García…

0 Comments22 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part V): Evita, Iuliana and Asier

More than 30 active AEGEE member look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this segment of the Golden Times review: read what Evita Ločmele, Iuliana Paun…

0 Comments26 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part IV): Timo, Ilse, Teodora, Calvin and Marijana

30 active AEGEE member look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this fourth edition of the Golden Times review: read what Timo Haarman, Ilse Driessen,…

0 Comments29 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part III): Marlijn, Chris and Natascha

30 active AEGEE member look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this third edition of the Golden Times review: read what Marlijn Mulder, Chris van Dijk…

0 Comments13 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part II): Marco, Shakira and Julian

30 active AEGEE member look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this second edition of the Golden Times review: read what Marco Melatti, Shakira Rompf and…

0 Comments25 Minutes

AEGEE in 2020 (Part I): Luca, Julia, Ruslan, Michalina and Nacho

30 active AEGEE member look back on the year 2020 - and give a glimpse of the future. In this first edition od the Golden Times review: read what Luca Bisighini, Julia…

0 Comments23 Minutes

Check out the new AEGEE Materials Database

On 1st of December 2020 the new AEGEE Materials database went online. It contains a lot of useful materials from PR via FR to event management.

0 Comments7 Minutes

Meet the HRC – AEGEE’s Human Resources Powerhouse

The Human Resources Committee (HRC) supports the whole network and AEGEE-Europe with anything related to Human Resources. Three months ago, the HRC got a new Speaker Team.

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Diederik de Wit: “One challenge is being cooped up together”

How does the Comité Directeur work in times of the Corona pandemic? Diederik de Wit, President of AEGEE-Europe, gives an insight into AEGEE.

0 Comments19 Minutes

AEGEE-Göteborg: “Happy to be part of the AEGEE family”

AEGEE-Göteborg is the latest local that joined the AEGEE network – and they have plenty of ideas for international events after the Corona pandemic.

0 Comments12 Minutes

Where does Europe end? Join the latest AEGEE project and find out!

How European do you feel? What does it actually mean to be European? The new AEGEE project “Where does Europe end 2.0” wants to find out. The GT spoke with the project team.

0 Comments12 Minutes