The Golden Times is slowly growing. The 4000th fan on Facebook was a member from AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg, who made her first steps in the association this year: Regina Slovesnaya. Find out more about her and her plans in this interview.
GT: Regina, how did you hear about the Golden Times?
Regina Slovesnaya: Very easy, an article on Facebook about an SU I’ve attended caught my attention.
GT: Tell us more about yourself! How old are you, where do you live?
Regina: I’m 23, this summer I’ve graduated my university with a master degree in graphic design. Currently I’m living and working in Saint Petersburg, but I dream to move to a warmer place.
GT: How and when did you join AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg? Is there an interesting story?
Regina: To say the truth – nothing special. I knew about AEGEE from a friend who lives in Moscow, she was going to apply for an SU for the first time. I became very excited after her stories of possible great experiences and decided to join AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg! That happened just last spring.
GT: There is a Network Meeting coming up in your antenna. Are you in the organising team?
Regina: Yes. After the summer holidays I decided to become useful for my antenna. And I didn’t wait much, because at the first meeting they made me Visa Responsible of the Network Meeting.

GT: Did you get many applications for the event?
Regina: In the beginning we worried that Europeans were afraid of the visa procedures and there will be a lack of applications. But by the deadline we got so many requests that unfortunately we couldn’t accept everybody. We chose the most motivated 21 participants and we’re pretty sure that we’ll have great NWM all together!
GT: Being one of the main organisers of the NWM, what are the most challenging tasks?
Regina: It’s a huge responsibility to organize everything for people who trust you. We don’t want to disappoint our guests. So, the most challenging thing in my opinion is to consider many issues and details.

GT: How was being in charge of the visa?
Regina: It wasn’t easy, but I tried my best, supporting each participant whenever they needed my help. This experience improved my communication and language skills, not to talk about the visa topic itself, so I’m quite satisfied.
GT: You need visa yourself for travelling to many countries. How do you feel if you see that so many people can travel without visa?
Regina: Hm, I just think they’re lucky, but at the same time I feel sorry for them that they can’t visit our beautiful country without visa!
GT: Is it difficult for Russian AEGEE members to get visa? How long does it usually take and how much does it cost?
Regina: No, AEGEE helps a lot with this problem! When we are going to a European event and need visa, the organizers send us an invitation because of which we may get visa for free. Usually it takes up to one week to obtain the visa.

GT: How big is your antenna? And do you have a lot of activities every month?
Regina: Our antenna isn’t big, around 100 members, of which 30 are active. This fall we took part in many different events in our city. There also was an exchange with AEGEE-Helsinki and the promotion of our antenna at the festival “Restaurant day”. I would say our antenna is quite active!
GT: What’s the next event of your antenna after the NWM?
Regina: Let it stay a surprise!
GT: What are your future plans in AEGEE? Will we you join the board? And will we see you on the European level of AEGEE one day?
Regina: I’m one of the most active members so it makes sense to join the board. I don’t know about the European level – time will tell.
GT: What was the best event you’ve visited so far in AEGEE?
Regina: I promise to tell you when I’m more experienced in AEGEE events – at this moment it’s not possible to choose just between two different kind of events I’ve visited.
GT: Your second event after the SU must have been the Agora in Cagliari. What were the most memorable moments for you?
Regina: I was impressed by such a great amount of participants. And it was nice to meet unknown AEGEE people everywhere in the city, noticing them by their bright personal badges and bracelets! I had a feeling of unity.
GT: What other hobbies and interests do you have beside from AEGEE?
Regina: I love to dance social dances as bachata and salsa, to paint and cook, to make something creative! I’m interested in art and design. When it is warm outside I enjoy running and roller-skating.

GT: You studied Graphic Design in Sankt Peterburg. Why?
Regina: Why? Because my dream was to love what I do in my life, to enjoy what brings me money… Design always attracted me and now I can surely say that I was right to choose this way, I got the job of my dream!
GT: You work at a hostel, right? What do you do for them?
Regina: I’m a member of the creative team and also a designer at Yarky Hostel & Space. We’re opening our hostel and art space – all in one – in spring 2015. So, there is a lot of design work and creative brainstorming in our office these days.

GT: As a child, what did you dream to be your future job after growing up?
Regina: Since childhood I knew my future profession – designer! I just couldn’t choose a specification for many years.
GT: What is never missing in your fridge?
Regina: Brined cucumbers – and there is no connection with vodka!
GT: Now please complete this sentence: “AEGEE for me is…”
Regina: “…an inspiration for following my dreams.”
GT: How would you describe yourself in five keywords?
Regina: Sunny, curious, inspiring, risk-taking, creative.