It was a huge shock for all AEGEE members. Franck Biancheri, the founder of AEGEE, died on the morning of 30th of October 2012. Franck had been seriously ill from cancer already for four years.
Franck Biancheri changed the live of more than 100.000 students in Europe. Yes, he was a controversial and polarising character. But he will be forever remembered as a passionate person who could think outside the box, a charismatic leader who could inspire many others and who had the energy to create a strong network out of a single conference: the EGEE congress in Paris, April 1985. Without him none of us would have ever experienced the greatness of an organisation made up from people for which borders don’t matter, for which there is only one common Europe.
After 24 years Franck made his first appearance at an Agora again in spring 2012, at Agora Enschede. There he was presenting his ideas for the future of AEGEE as a guest of honour. Who would have imagined that this first Agora visit since the 1980s should become his last one.
“This is sad news to start our Agora tomorrow”, says Luis Alvarado Martínez, President of AEGEE-Europe. “We will have one minute of silence at the begining of the Agora Budapest, and during my opening speech I will of course mention him.” The CD will get a book of condolescenses at the Agora for Franck’s family, where everone can sign.
Philippe Micaelli, who founded AEGEE with Franck ,was one of the last people to see Franck alive. He wrote a very moving tribute to Franck on his Facebook wall in French – he permitted to publish a translation: “Today, 30 October 2012, my closest friend died this morning. I am talking about Franck Biancheri. I wish here to pay humble tribute. Beyond a true communion of thought, I am very proud to have been able to know him, having worked with him alongside during long journeys across Europe, and shared his struggles. He allowed me to participate in numerous and useful innovative initiatives at European level – to name a few: AEGEE-Europe, TIES, Prometheus, IDE, Newropeans… Franck has always placed general and collective interest before his own interest. During these last four years of fight against his disease, he has never spared the efforts to continue to work for the construction of a democracy at the European level in parallel to the creation of an international network, bringing together Europe and emerging countries (Euro-BRICS). We will miss the political vision of Franck and his sense of anticipation absolutely . His enthusiasm and achievements will live on and will be the foundation of a democratic and United Europe. In these painful moments, my thoughts are with all his family, especially Marie-Hélène and Carla. Franck, thanks for everything. Requiescat in Pace.”
The funeral will be on 5th of November in Menton.
You can read an article about Franck Biancheri and an interview with him from the 10th and 20th anniversary book. Click here: https://www.aegeegoldentimes.eu/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/FrankBiancheriArticles.pdf