What kind of hobbies do the freshly elected CD members have? What would they do with a million Euro? And are they party animals? The Golden Times asked the new European Board of AEGEE, which will start their term in Brussels in August, questions about their personal life – and got many surprising answers. Read in this third part about Mayri Tiido. The AEGEE-Tartu member is best known as manager of AEGEE-Europe’s Health4Youth project.

Agopat345 Mayri Tiido candidating - Olivier Genkin
Mayri Tiido candidating in Patra – Picture by Olivier Genkin

Golden Times: Congratulations for your election! How nervous were you during the Agora?
Mayri Tiido: Thank you! I don’t remember being too nervous, although I was way more nervous before the presentation than during those three minutes of presenting my candidature.

Golden Times: In most CDs, the CD members cooked for each other. Are you a good cook?
Mayri: I can consider myself a good cook, at least I really like the dishes I prepare.

Golden Times: What’s your specialty?
Mayri: I would say my speciality is cauliflower crust pizza and chocolate cake.

Golden Times: The CD is a lot about teamwork. What was the best AEGEE team you were in – and what was your role?
Mayri:I would like to mention two teams. Firstly the board during my board term in Tartu, when I was the president. We were just crazy about AEGEE and we were in contact with each other almost every day either about AEGEE-Tartu matters or just for friendship. Secondly I would like to mention the Health4Youth project team, as I’ve been there the longest in my AEGEE life – already two years since the first idea of the project. My position in the team is project manager and I must praise my team, as we have been very supportive and understanding to each other.

Mayri Tiido Palermo
Mayri Tiido’s first event was an SU in Palermo

Golden Times: How did you join AEGEE? Is there any interesting story behind?
Mayri:Unfortunately nothing new – I honestly joined just to get abroad for the summer. I learned what AEGEE is after I was back at home.

Golden Times: If you were not in AEGEE, how would your life look like?
Mayri:I have no clue. Definitely not that international as it is now.

Mayri Tiido Theatre
Mayri Tiido also likes to play theatre

Golden Times: Are you also member of other associations?
Mayri: I am a bystander member of an improv theatre group in Tartu, Estonia.

Golden Times: Which city or country did impress you most during your AEGEE trips?
Mayri: As I live now in the Netherlands, I would say the Netherlands!

Golden Times: Do you actually take the time to look at the city during AEGEE events?
Mayri:During statutory events not, but with other type of events if I have time, then yes.

Golden Times: What was your best AEGEE experience?
Mayri: The Leadership Training in Brussels 2014 – amazing atmosphere, inspiring participants, impressive content.

Mayri Tiido Tartu Enschede
Mayri Tiido and her fellows from AEGEE-Tartu at Agora Enschede 2012

Golden Times: What was your worst AEGEE experience?
Mayri:I have no memories of bad experiences.

Golden Times: Which experience or moment did make you decide to join the European level?
Mayri: I think it was after Agora Alicante in 2011 when talking to Thomas Leszke one evening inspired me a lot.

Golden Times: To how many events have you been so far?
Mayri:I have no idea, more than 20 for sure.

Mayri Health4Youth Logo
Mayri has also been manager of the Health4Youth project for the past two years

How many of them did you organise yourself?
Mayri:In the years 2010-2012 I was involved in organising almost every event in AEGEE-Tartu.

Golden Times: You mentioned that you went to an SU Which one?
Mayri:I participated in the Language Training Course in 2010 by AEGEE-Palermo. Year after that I was one of the organisers of the TSU by AEGEE-Ogre, AEGEE-Tartu and AEGEE-Tallinn.

Golden Times: CD members often face criticism. How resistant are you to stress and criticism?
Mayri: I believe that I can handle stress well. I don’t like random criticism, but constructive criticism is always welcomed.

Golden Times: What makes you most stressed and nervous?
Mayri:I think I get most stressed if I can’t see answer to the „why am I doing this“.

Mayri Health4Youth Budapest
Mayri presenting her Health4Youth team at Agora Budapest 2012

Golden Times: And how do you calm down in these situations?
Mayri:I calm down after I know the answer to the why question.

Golden Times: How important is for you career in life?
Mayri:I find doing things I like and love more important than career, unless it is doing things I like.

Mayri Tiido Pool
Mayri Tiido is also member of AEGEE-Europe’s Pool of Representatives

Golden Times: After AEGEE, what will you work later?
Mayri:I wish I could answer that.

Golden Times: Are you a party animal?
Mayri:I can be if I have the right people around me.

Golden Times: Do you dance a lot during AEGEE parties? Or do you rather have conversations?
Mayri: My motto during AEGEE parties is „short, but intense“, which means that I just dance like a maniac for one or two hours. Sometimes I use that time instead of dancing for lovely conversations. Everything depends on the situation and people around me.

Agopat409 Mayri Tiido and Matthijs Overhaal Flag Party - Olivier Genkin
Mayri Tiido and her boyfriend Matthijs Overhaal at Agora Patra – Picture by Olivier Genkin

Golden Times: What are the things you don’t like about AEGEE?
Mayri:I wish that sometimes AEGEE members would be less ignorant and careless to things happening in- and outside of AEGEE.

Golden Times: And what would you like to change about AEGEE, if you could?
Mayri:I would make them less ignorant and careless.

Golden Times: What hobbies do you have aside from AEGEE?
Mayri:Depending on my mood I play guitar, write a blog, bake cakes, go for a walk, read books, play board or improv games.

Agopat413 Olivier Mayri Michael Flag Party - Olivier Genkin
Mayri with Les Anciens members Olivier Gekin and Michael Groll

Golden Times: That’s a lot! What was the last book you read?
Mayri:„Salt, sugar, fat – how the food giants hooked us“ by Michael Moss. It is an incredible book that explains how the food industry got started and what is going on there. Almost every page makes me to say „ah!“ and think about my own eating habits.

Golden Times: What’s your favourite movie or TV show?
Mayri:My all-time favourite TV show is „Friends“ and my last greatest discovery is „Scandal“.

Golden Times: What kind of sports do you practice or like?
Mayri:I do sports depending on my mood and possibilities. Lately I like working out at home, because it saves me from biking to the gym especially with rainy weather.

Golden Times: What’s your favourite drink?

Golden Times: What are you most afraid of?
Mayri:Spiders and rats and insects.

Golden Times: If you had 1 million Euro, what would you do with it?
Mayri:I would give some to my family, some for donation and leave some for travelling the world.

Meet the new CD
Meet Mayri’s CD

Golden Times: Please complete the sentence: “AEGEE is…
Mayri: …like a supermarket, where every person who enters can find something for his or her liking.“

Golden Times: What’s never missing in your fridge?

Golden Times: How would you describe yourself in five keywords?
Mayri:Positive, hard-working, funny, tolerant and creative.